Product Photography, Artwork & Amazon Packages

My original training at Turners Photography focused on product photography, but everything has changed! in those days in the 1970's we used colour negative film, analogue cameras (of course), tungsten lighting (500watt Photoflood bulbs) wow the studio used to get very hot! Most of the time I used 5"x4" plate bellows cameras, but sometime used a masive 14"X18" vacum camera but that was mainly for technical work. Retouch in those days was done with a brush and spray gun.
So now everything is so easy isn't it? well yes and no...
Yes of course because of digital technology and Adobe Photoshop anyone can do it right?... No not really the world of high end studio photography is complex, getting the strobe lighting correctly set-up, making sure the highlights are perfect and in general making sure the lighting suits the product. Then there's the camera and lenses cost many thousands of pounds (or dollars).
And lastly theres post-production, it takes lots of skill to know how to retouch and enhance the images properly not to mention a creative ability.
Minimum fee is 4,000 Baht. Quantity per product shot can go as low as 250 Baht each.
Please see: Terms & Costs